Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

Anti ageing Injections using botulinum toxin

FDA approved botulinum toxin is one of the most extensively studied medical aesthetic treatments that aesthetic specialists know and trust.

Botulinum toxin treatments for the upper face

By using facial muscles repeatedly throughout our lifetime, the skin becomes creased in areas of greatest use. The ageing process causes the slowdown of collagen and elastin production in the skin so that as we get older, these areas of overuse become damaged and the lines become permanent.

Botulinum toxin is a chemical produced by bacterium clostridium botulinum – often referred to as Botox ( which actually is a brand name). When this prescription only medication is injected into muscle, it weakens and becomes in a state of relaxation.
The effects of the relaxed muscles give a younger, smoother appearance with no lines.

A fine tiny needle is used to inject the botulinum toxin into each area allowing the treatment to be virtually painless with no downtime, it really is a lunchtime facial.

The treatment starts to work within 3-4 days and full effect usually occurs between day 10-14 and lasts on average 12 weeks

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All aesthetic treatments are delivered by RN Melanie Collins

Wrinkle relaxing injections are one of the most popular treatments around, to give a natural rejuvenation to the face. Melanie Collins performs the injectable wrinkle relaxing treatments using botulinum toxin type A, which is available by prescription only. Treatment with wrinkle relaxing injections can be used to treat the upper face & lower face,these include the following treatments.

All aesthetic treatments are delivered by RN Melanie Collins
Upper face antiageing injections

Targeted areas – Forehead lines, Frown lines, Crows feet Time 45 mins

Pricing: £180 one area, £220 two areas, £240 Three areas

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Chemical brow lift

Time 30 minutes

Cost £180 (or this can be added to your treatment plan for an additional £ 60)

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Lower face wrinkle relaxing injections

Targeting movement of the lower face to reduce Bunny Lines, Gummy Smiles, Lip lines ( smokers lines), Lip flip which helps give a more defined pout, Down turned mouth and Cobblestone chins.

Time 45 mins, 1 area £180 ( or this can be added to your treatment plan for an additional £60)

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Masseter reduction treatment

Injections are placed into the masseter muscles to reduce the strength of the muscle. The masseter muscle is not completely relaxed so chewing and speaking is not affected. The treatment also reduces the symptoms of grinding the teeth and nocturnal clenching.

Time 45 minutes Cost £250

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Botulinum toxin to underarms, hands and feet to reduce excessive sweating

The area treated is numbed using topical anaesthetic cream, then multiple small injections are used to administer botulinum toxin to the hands or feet. This reduces sweating by at least 80%. Effects are felt fully by 2 weeks and can last up to 9 months.

Time 60 mins Cost £300

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To book in for any of these treatments or to book a non obligatory free consultation book here.